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Developing talent - Creating Impact

News and Events

News and Events

Want to know more about UDI-Africa. Get to know future and past UDI-Africa events

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Topic areas

Topic areas

UDI-Africa focus in 4 scientific topics: Economics and Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, Health and Well-being, Built Environment and Infrastructures

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UDI-Africa in the International Media

UDI-Africa in the International Media

Read the news about the UDI-Africa Project

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2nd International Conference UDI-Africa

Within the framework of the project UDI-Africa, the 2nd  International Conference entitled: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: the role of the Centres for Academic Development in Higher Education Institutions (IES). The event will take place on November 5-6, 2019, in the Main Campus of the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). Those interested in participating must send an…

À memória do Professor Agatângelo Eduardo

A 3 de julho de 2019, perdemos nosso colega Agatângelo Eduardo, Professor da Universidade Agostinho Neto e que até à presente data exercia funções de Vice-Reitor para a Extensão e Cooperação onde fez um trabalho muito relevante de desenvolvimento internacional da sua Universidade.Foi um parceiro do Projeto UDI-Africa desde a sua génese, tendo participado ativamente…

UDI-Africa at the 2019 EFMD Annual Conference

After a short presentation of the project the two CHAMPIONS Nelva Sixpene (UniLúrio) and Sabino do Nascimento (UAN) talked about the impact of UDI-Africa at the individual, institutional and local level. Isabel Craveiro (IHMT-NOVA) presented some of the results from the study on the capacity building in practice, addressing the expectations, imaginaries and experiences of…

EFMD Annual Conference 2019: Trust Partnerships Impact

The EFMD Annual Conference has been designed for all those interested in management education and development. It brings together EFMD members, companies, educational institutions and other associations, offering various perspectives and discussions on the conference theme. 7th June 2019 10:00 – 11:15 Sharing Best Practice Sessions: Partnerships B6 Session: Capacity building to enhance universities’ local impact:…

Prémio Fernão Mendes Pinto (Edição 2019)

Candidaturas até 31 de julho de 2019 A Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (AULP) anuncia a abertura de candidaturas ao Prémio Fernão Mendes Pinto 2019. Este prémio, atribuído anualmente pela AULP, tem como objetivo galardoar uma dissertação de mestrado ou de doutoramento que contribua para a aproximação das Comunidades de Língua Portuguesa, explicitando relações…