Edilson Canõma (Junior UKB)
Information Technologies and Telecommunications Researcher at Katyavala Bwila University, Angola & Invited Researcher in Beira Interior University, Portugal.
1- What have been the main challenges of the participation in the UDI-Africa (individually and institutionally)?
“Individually, it was a challenge to be selected among several candidates to be part of the UDI-A project and to be Champions II created great expectations in me. Institutionally, creating a Networking with experienced universities and with a longstanding track record, clear opportunities open up for individual and professional development. “
2– What are the main opportunities from UDI-Africa in the present and for future?
“In the present: opportunity to be able to know what others think, what they do and how they do strengthening solid knowledge and create common projects. In the future: opportunity to create mobility between CADI’s, create common projects, provide solutions to problems for Scientific Research and Teaching. “
3- What has been and will be the main impact of UDI-Africa for your individual professional development?
“The main impact for my individual and professional development is to be Visiting Researcher at UBI right now. And to be able to participate in the EFMD ANNUAL CONFERENCE through the UDI-A project.”
4- What has been and will be the main impact of UDI-Africa for your institution’s academic development?
“The impact of UDI-A has grown more and more, it has served to enable researchers who have projects or have project ideas to find opportunities to materialize these projects based on research and publication, it is not an easy task in Africa to talk about research and publication. “