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For all the publications produced within the framework of the UDI-Africa Project the following disclaimer is applied:
“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Project Plans and Reports
- Interim Technical E-report 2018
- Table of Achieved/Planned Results-Oct 2018
- Dissemination Plan and Report
- Final report
Internal Quality Assurance
- Quality Assurance Plan
- 1st Internal Quality Report
- 2nd Internal Quality Report
- 3rd Internal Quality Report
- 4th Internal Quality Report
- 5th & Final Quality Report
External Quality Assurance
- 1st External Evaluation Report
- 2nd External Evaluation Report
- 3rd External Evaluation Report
- Final External Evaluation Report Addendum
- Craveiro, I., Carvalho, A. & Ferrinho, P. (2020) “Get us partnerships!” – a qualitative study of Angolan and Mozambican health academics’ experiences with North/South partnerships. Global Health 16, 33.
- Carvalho, António, Ferrinho, Paulo, & Craveiro, Isabel (2019). Towards post-colonial capacity-building methodologies – some remarks on the experiences of health researchers from Mozambique and Angola. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(5), 1617-1626. Epub May 30.
- Carvalho, António; Ferrinho, Paulo; Craveiro, Isabel (2018). Capacitação e Parcerias Norte/Sul na área da saúde – o caso do projeto UDI-A (Capacity building and North/South partnerships in health – the case of the UDI-A project). Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, 17, 35-43.
- Salgueiro P., R. Falcão, A. Assane, L. Chivinda, M. Mendonça, S. do Nascimento, A. Panoutsou, J. Amaro de Matos (2019) Projeto UDI-África (Erasmus+) Parceria com impacto no desenvolvimento de capacidades e inovação do Ensino Superior da África lusófona. In: Livro de Atas do XXIX Encontro da AULP 2019, pp.355-366. Associação de Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN:978-989-8271-20-4.
- Published version
- Carvalho, A., Ferrinho, P.; Craveiro, I. (2018) Towards post-colonial capacity-building methodologies – some remarks on the experiences of health researchers from Mozambique and Angola. 3rd World Conference on Qualitative Research, Lisbon, Portugal (17-19 October)
- Craveiro,I. (2019) Fair Research Partnerships – Towards A More Equitable Future In Global Health. Science & Technology Summit 2019, Lisbon Congress Centre, Lisbon, Portugal (8-10 July)
- Salgueiro P. (2019) Projeto UDI-Africa: Contributo para a Mobilidade Académica e Transferência de Conhecimento na CPLP, Seminário “Contributo da Sociedade Civil para o Ano da CPLP para a Juventude״, February 20th, CPLP, Lisboa, Portugal
- Salgueiro P., Falcão R. (2019) UDI-África: Parceria para um Ensino Superior de Qualidade. Conferência “Educação de Qualidade e Desenvolvimento na Lusofonia”, June 6th, Law School, NOVA University Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Salgueiro P., Sixpene N., Nascimento S. (2019) O potencial das pessoas: África em perspetiva. Seminário Nacional REALISE, April 11th, Rectorate of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- Salgueiro P., Sixpene N., Nascimento S., Craveiro I. (2019) Capacity building to enhance universities’ local impact: the case of the Erasmus+ project UDI-Africa in B5: Sharing Best Practices Session of the 2019 EFMD Annual Conference, June 7th, School of Business and Economics, NOVA University Lisbon, Carcavelos, Portugal. - Salgueiro P., R. Falcão, A. Assane, L. Chivinda, M. Mendonça, S. do Nascimento, A. Panoutsou, J. Amaro de Matos (2019) Projeto UDI-África (Erasmus+) Parceria com impacto no desenvolvimento de capacidades e inovação do Ensino Superior da África lusófona. In XXIX Encontro da AULP, p.24. Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.