from UEM

Adriano Uaciquete (academic Champion UEM)

Professor  and Deputy Dean of Graduate Programmes at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique and PhD Student at Gent University, Belgium on “”Strengthening Teaching and Research Nexus in Higher Education”

1- What have been the main challenges of the participation in the UDI-Africa (individually and institutionally)?

“The main challenge I personally faced during this project was the workload for the project and my main institutional duties. It was unclear how to find time to the project while doing my work as usual “

2– What are the main opportunities from UDI-Africa in the present and for future?

“There is a huge room for innovation at UEM and this project shed more light on how to implement projects with the impact “

3- What has been and will be the main impact of UDI-Africa for your individual professional development?

“From the very beginning of the project my focus was to look at initiatives to involve students and teachers at the Faculty level, so this project had offered not only awareness but also tools to implement innovations at the work space and culture.”

4- What has been and will be the main impact of UDI-Africa for your institution’s academic development?

“The main impact of this project is twofold: Awareness and Capacity building”