2nd International Conference UDI-Africa in Maputo

Last November, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane of Maputo, Mozambique organized and hosted the 2nd International UDI-Africa Conference on the theme: “Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the role of Academic Development Centers in Higher Education Institutions

The event had 168 participants from eight countries: Mozambique, South Africa, Angola, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Congratulations UEM for the hard work and warm welcome!

Check the FlyerProgramme, Conference-Report and the Abstract Book

Date: 5 -6 November 2019

The main objective of this conference was to disseminate the activities carried out in the second year of the UDI-Africa Project, in addition to the network of faculty, staff and students for dialogue and cooperation not only among partner universities in the project, but also with other stakeholders. The consortium members, students and guests from non-governmental organizations involved in Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Projects with local communities contributed to the Conference.

The conference included:
2 Plenary Sessions on:
-The Challenge of becoming Research & Entrepreneurial University in Africa. What role for academic development units?
-Stimulating entrepreneurial thinking in Natural Scientists: a Plug & Play method for driving eco-innovation in Europe, West and East Africa

2 Round-tables on:

  • Social Entrepreneurship, Languages, Culture and History
  • Social entrepreneurship: Intervention and Impact of social enterprises
    3 UDI-Africa Project working sessions:
  • Follow up and support on the Professional Development Plans (session directed for Champions I and II)
  • Motivation, Expectations and Impact of UDI-Africa (session directed for Champions I and II)
  • Status of current situation and information regarding social entrepreneurship projects

4 Parallel Sessions on the following Scientific Project Topics:

  • Economics, Management and Sustainability
  • Inclusive societies, social values, cultures and intercultural communication
  • Infrastructure Development and Environment
  • Health and Wellbeing

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